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.Tuesday, April 14, 2009 ' 1:28 AM
& i was taught to FEAR NO MORTAL MAN

Good Friday was awesome!!! Went for service, then went to ehub to catch ''handsome suit''. Freaking hilarious show!!!haha!! We then went down to bedok 85 for dinner and back to church to play board games and stuff. Didn't sleep much, chatted with Grace, Christian and Jem all the way to 6.30am and slept till some worm eating duck woke me up.....but still....WHAT A WEEKEND!!

Chris and Jerold playing guitar hero(look at their constipated faces haha)

hmm...me owning Grace in Guitar hero?hahaha!!


This pic leaves alot of space for your imagination huh?

Shouting at Jervis' house lols


The MEN in G4C!! rofl


Look forward to church every week.............

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...............

.Saturday, February 14, 2009 ' 4:26 AM
& i was taught to FEAR NO MORTAL MAN


Didn't have a valentine again this year, but at least i had my friends to hang out with.=D Bachelor's day out haha(except for asy, he extra). Met with JL,Asy,Hazwan,Gab and El to go to cedar girl's sec for funfair=.=(JL's idea, his friend was there, so he dragged us there). Quite fun lol, went around playing some games and ate. I even saw my church friend there, didn't know she was from cedar girl's, her name is Stephie or smth like that i think. lols. After that, we took a bus down to safra to have a game of pool. WAITED FOR TWO HOURS TO GET OUR TABLE!!WTH!!! So we waited, and got bored, and gave JL a new nickname which is FSS which stands for Fat,Slow and Stupid. The person who gave him that nickname is such an asshole, using the rule of three mdm Noreha taught for something like that.haha. After our game of pool, we went home......


weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...............

.Monday, February 2, 2009 ' 2:26 AM
& i was taught to FEAR NO MORTAL MAN

It was the first E.M.O meetup last friday!!!! So i rushed home to change and went off to meet Zuri and Hadi first. Zuri that asshole kept rushing me, so i ran and in the end, the soles of my shoe came off..... and Zuri came late. what an asshole. So we took the MRT down to marina square to shop for a new pair of shoes =D. Then we met up with the rest of the E.M.Os. But I didn't stay for long, went to Qiaolin's house to celebrate cny with the rest and played cards and stuff and went home at arnd 12....missed the last bus so i had to take a cab. SEE LA!! LAST ROUND LAST ROUND THEN I MISS THE BUS!! upload pics later.


weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...............

.Sunday, January 25, 2009 ' 8:54 AM
& i was taught to FEAR NO MORTAL MAN

Yes I know I haven't been blogging for a long time..... but here's a a new post =D..
Woke up at like 7 to prepare for church, met Ter and ''Jordan''(thats his church nickname lol, shall not reveal his real name) at mac before proceeding. Saw Mr Khan and his family at mac again then he was like '' this is the second sunday i have seen you guys here'', and he moved to a seat faraway from us =.=..... Went to LHMC for the second time, guess this will be my new church family from now on, gonna miss those at FMC though. The people there are so friendly! haha, made so many new friends on the first day there. After service, we went to tampmall for lunch and went to the arcade, it was so damn funny when Grace and Jem interlocked their legs which caused both of them to fall!!HAHA!! Soon, I went home to get changed for reunion dinner at keppel club. What a sumptuous dinner it was!! My aunt is so generous =D. No pics though, maybe i better start taking pics soon.
Maybe I'll go back to FMC once in awhile, but i guess God has called me to LHMC to bring some of my pre-believer friends closer to Him. So I shall do his bidding then.....

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...............

.Thursday, January 1, 2009 ' 6:11 AM
& i was taught to FEAR NO MORTAL MAN


Went out in the afternoon to go make a vid with Hadi and Zul. But it was damn hot and the sun made us lazy, so we didn't do much. So we slacked at the basketball for awhile before heading off to find their friends, AhFan and Justin if i'm nt wrong. Went to GV cus those 4 guys wanted to buy some movie tickets, after that, they decided to take the lift down. Just as the lift door opened, someone shouted ''SETHO!!!''. I chua sai sia, it was Angela shouting=.= She was with Elzern and Jervis. After that, we went off to the mrt station to wait for the rest and headed down to city hall for dinner at a japanese restaurant and then headed down to esplanade to watch the fire works. wtf lor, stood thr like idiots for almost 2hours before the fireworks came. But it was worth it =D damn nice!! upload pics next time, school starts tmr!!woohoo!! I AM SO HAPPY!!!not...=.=
not a single homework done, prepared for shit during school..........

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...............

.Monday, December 29, 2008 ' 6:44 AM
& i was taught to FEAR NO MORTAL MAN

Went out wif Friend, Zuri and lilJ to watch bedtime stories and took some vids, nth much to talk abt actually. Just pics, AND ZURI IS BALD!! WOOHOOO!! NO MORE GOLDILOCKS HAHAHAHA!!!!!

zuri trying to kiss the painting(gayboi)

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...............

.Thursday, December 25, 2008 ' 7:34 PM
& i was taught to FEAR NO MORTAL MAN

Late post again..... Went for the K.I.D outing a few days ago. Met up with Zuri first and then we went off.Alighted at city hall to meet up with Friend, Gerald and Spike. After awhile, Del, Sharon and Shana and Ninrai came. So we went to golden village to get our tickets to watch Twilight. Damn it was a boring show, out of the 10 of us who watched it, only 3 enjoyed it. SO, SCREW U FRIEND!! TOLD U TO WATCH PONYO ON THE CLIFF BY THE SEA INSTEAD!!! I felt so gay watching that show, especially with two gaybois(Friend and Ninrai) sitting beside me. We then went off to esplanade to meet up wif Hadi and Zul and make our K.I.D introduction vid =D

Hadi and I doing our Fuuuuusion, HA!!!!!

Our heart shape at pointing at Zuri's %!@#$


For the K.I.D vid, use this link first =D
I ain't gonna update abt christmas, the eve was kind of a dissapointment while I didn't do much on christmas itself.....

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...............


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UnderOath - A Boy Brushed Red Living in Black and White