Went out wif Friend, Zuri and lilJ to watch bedtime stories and took some vids, nth much to talk abt actually. Just pics, AND ZURI IS BALD!! WOOHOOO!! NO MORE GOLDILOCKS HAHAHAHA!!!!!

zuri trying to kiss the painting(gayboi)
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...............
Late post again..... Went for the K.I.D outing a few days ago. Met up with Zuri first and then we went off.Alighted at city hall to meet up with Friend, Gerald and Spike. After awhile, Del, Sharon and Shana and Ninrai came. So we went to golden village to get our tickets to watch Twilight. Damn it was a boring show, out of the 10 of us who watched it, only 3 enjoyed it. SO, SCREW U FRIEND!! TOLD U TO WATCH PONYO ON THE CLIFF BY THE SEA INSTEAD!!! I felt so gay watching that show, especially with two gaybois(Friend and Ninrai) sitting beside me. We then went off to esplanade to meet up wif Hadi and Zul and make our K.I.D introduction vid =D

Hadi and I doing our Fuuuuusion, HA!!!!!

Our heart shape at pointing at Zuri's %!@#$


For the K.I.D vid, use this link first =D
I ain't gonna update abt christmas, the eve was kind of a dissapointment while I didn't do much on christmas itself.....
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...............
gonna blog about yesterday....again...lol, i keep blogging abt the day before.haha. and yea, havent been bloggin for a damn long time. so yea. Went straight to tamp mall after church that morning. Went to meet Elzern first and walked around abit. Gab is always late, what a dick rite. haha. after awhile, asyraf and umaimah came. then we went to look for a b'dae present for Terence[what good frens we are =D]. So we bought two beanies for him lol. After that, we went off to his party. The bbq was only gonna start at like 5, and we were already thr at 1 LOL. So we just sat around and slacked. Then I walked up to Terence and was like, gimme a b'dae hug, b'dae boi. So i grabbed him, and threw him on the floor. Then the rest came and ''taupok'' him and threw him into the pool. hahaha. soon, the food came,woohoo!!! I was such a good fren, missed the street shuffle for him lor. After the bbq, we went off to safra to play pool.HAPPY B'DAE TERENCE!!!!!
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...............